Yesterday my parents came home smelling like dogs and it's been driving me crazy! Where were they? Why would they smell like strange dogs? Why didn't they take me with them? In my quest to answer these questions I've been considering the following possibilities:
Possibility # 1 They went to a dog store to find me a sibling.
It's been a long time since I last had brothers and sisters around. I don't remember much from this time but I do know that I was very young and spent most of my time fighting to get my share of the milk. I wasn't able to enjoy their company until after my belly was full. Once my hunger subsided I would snuggle in and fall asleep. It was during these last waking moments that I appreciated the warmth and familiarity of my brothers and sisters. What would it be like now? What if they brought home a dog? Would we get along? Would I have to fight for my share of the food? Would they make me share my cozy bed? What if my parents decided they liked my sibling better than me? To be on the safe side I think I'll be an extra good girl for the next few days, then they will see how unnecessary siblings are.
Possibility # 2 They visited a dog trainer and plan to enroll me in obedience school.
This would be worse than sharing my house with another dog. I've seen how trained dogs act. They are like robots that do whatever their parents command. They sit, fetch, roll over, and walk beside their parents. How awful! They don't get to eat street food or run ahead of their parents whenever they feel like it or bark at anything that moves. Would they take me to obedience school? I know they get upset with me sometimes, but they wouldn't do this to me would they? To be on the safe side I think I'll be an extra good girl for the next few days, then they will see how unnecessary obedience school is.
Possibility # 3 They met an ex-lion tamer with a travelling circus who now trains dogs.
I couldn't help but imagine this catastrophe. I've heard about circus dogs before and the whole thing would be a nightmare. I'd have to wear a tutu and walk on my hind legs and do all sorts of tricks all to entertain bored people. I'd be hungry, lonely, and have no choice but to run away. My parents aren't considering selling me to a circus are they? Don't they know how unnatural and humiliating it would be? Don't they know I'd miss them? I figure this is the least likely possibility, but I couldn't help thinking it. You must understand that I'm an anxious dog with lots of time to think. To be on the safe side I think I'll be an extra good girl for the next few days, then they will see how unnecessary circuses are.
I still don't know where my parents went, why they came home smelling like strange dogs, and why they failed to invite me, but I've come to realize that there are many things I will never know. My sense of smell can only tell me a finite amount of information. I hate not knowing, but there is little I can do about it. I will simply have to trust that my parents love me and will take me places when they can, and leave me home when they can't.
Did I mention they brought home dog food?
With love & cuddles,

Lesson# 37 Smells can be deceiving.