To date I've seen mouse, dog, and bunny tracks, but am hopeful I will find other species in the future. When I am lucky enough to find new tracks I smell them deeply and follow them until they end. This makes me feel like a detective hot on the trail of someone that's trying to elude me. One day I hope to find, smell, and explore the tracks of a masked shrew, red fox, or white-tailed deer. That would be so exciting!
It strikes me that I live very differently from these full time woods creatures. It's hard to imagine a mouse getting cuddles in the "grandpa chair" or a red fox watching movies with his or her parents. Despite our differences I suspect we all want the same "creature comforts" like food, water, a warm, safe place to sleep, and family members to love and be loved by.
Finding animal tracks in the snow reminds me that each of us leaves a unique mark on the world, waiting to be found, examined, and marvelled over.
With love & cuddles,
Lesson # 33 Go forth and leave your mark!