Thursday, May 28, 2009


Since I take my owners out for walks so often, I've noticed that the weather has been getting warmer. I realize that I've lived at my current home for four full seasons. I've endured rain, thunderstorms (which scare me terribly), heat, cool breezes, snowfalls, cold, snowstorms and more. Through it all I enjoy the good (munching on fresh grass, listening to the birds) with the bad (thunderstorms, freezing my paws off).

The changing seasons have helped me to measure "time". That is a word I hear a lot at home. "Lottie it's time to go out, Lottie it's time for supper, Lottie it's time to brush your teeth, Lottie it's time for bed"...It's always time to do something, to go somehere, or simply to watch the seasons change. I think time can be very exciting! At the very least it tells me what I'm supposed to be doing.

Time can go by too fast (belly-rubs that never last long enough) or too slow (when I'm getting my teeth brushed).

I think my owners like to measure time too. I hear them say things like "it's time to cut the grass, it's time to take the garbage out, or it's time to put up the Christmas tree."

Although time can be: seasonal, lengthy, minute, fun, awful, ritualistic, structured, and interesting, it is best spent with those you love.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson #5 Time spent with those you love, is time well spent.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'm happy to bark that things have definitely improved since last week. I feel like my regular happy self again.

My eye doesn't hurt anymore, my energy has returned, my walks are longer, the weather has improved and brought the bunnies out of their hiding places. Hee hee! Oh the chases! I gave them a good workout this week! Now if I could only figure out a way to lengthen my close.....

A pair of ducks have moved into my neighbourhood. I've seen them before and initially thought they were just visiting, but now I'm convinced they are here to stay. I'm a little conflicted though, I want them to feel welcome here, but at the same time I have the urge to run at them just so I can watch them fly away! I wonder if Jenny would stop me?

My parents took me for a real car ride (no tricks this time) and I got to see people and places I've never seen before. I think I've gotten extra cuddles lately too!

While thinking about how much better this week has been over last, I realize that sometimes it's the little, deceptively insignificant parts of the day that can be the most gratifying.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson#4 To be happy is to recognize and savour simple pleasures.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It seems lately that I've had many disappointments. It started a few days ago when Jenny took me to the vet. I thought we were going for a car ride which is one of my favourite things, but in reality I was tricked! I now know that the whole point of the car ride was to take me to the doctors. Yikes! Both my parents stayed with me but they did nothing to stop the man from shining a bright light into my eyes and ears. Things got progressively worse after that. After getting poked with a needle, I had to get my temperature taken in the craziest place. I'll spare you the details but it was not pleasant. I was so glad to leave!

Unfortunately that wasn't the end of it. It's been raining so much lately that I've had my walks shortened and I haven't seen a bunny for days.

Yesterday I brought home a tick. I assure you this was not intentional. Yuck! Those free loading vampires should be ashamed of themselves. I earn my keep as a full time security guard and stress reliever but all they do is take, take, take.

Tonight I got something in my eye and accidentally scratched too hard! It is sore and judging by the sympathetic way Jenny keeps looking at me, it must look as awful as it feels. I think I'll play it up as long as I can, afterall, there's nothing like a little sympathy to take the sting out of disappointment.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson#3 We all suffer disappointments from time to time

Monday, May 4, 2009


I'm happy to say that I have two friends in the neighbourhood, Chief and Toby. Chief is a boy and Toby is a girl like me. We are all mutts and are proud of it. While I don't have anything against purebreds, I find their name exclusive and classist (and if that's not a real word it should be). What is so special about their lineage? Can't mutts be pure? Jenny tells me I'm a very good girl all the time! Anyway, friends accept each other just the way they are, cracked paws and all.
I will admit that it hasn't always been easy.

I met Chief last spring when I moved into town, and I found him rather forward. He's older, blond, and while I was out enjoying my morning walk he came right over and proceeded to smell my rear end! Of course I had to tell him off, but the next day I got even and did the same thing to him. It was all rather shocking but after awhile we got used to each other and now we greet each other warmly every time we meet.

Toby was much more difficult. She is older, white, and much larger than me. I would see her almost every weekend and I found her a little scary. So I barked at her every time for almost a year! She doggedly refused to bark back... she would just stare at me in amazement. She must have thought I was crazy. Recently, I decided that I need her as a friend so now when I see her I greet her and try to convince her to play. Truthfully, I'm very happy to see her. She still just stares at me. Hmmm...Perhaps she still thinks I'm crazy... anyhow I'm optimistic that soon we will play together.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson#2 It's important to make friends, even when it's hard.