Friday, June 12, 2009

Car rides

I had almost given up on the day until my parents said those magic words "car ride". Anyone worth their weight in dog treats will tell you that I love car rides!! After enduring rain, thunder, and an attempted assault by Chippy the Squirrel, the invitation to take a ride to the park was both unexpected and well timed.

You may wonder why I enjoy car rides so much, afterall they do come with some risks. There is always the possibility that my parents will take me back to the vet, or that I will get so warm that I get a fever and babble incessantly about squirrels, bunnies, or chicken treats. --Psst. Nevermind about this last part, Jenny just told me I'm being far too dramatic.

I think what I love the most is the explosion of new sights, sounds, and smells. I love sitting on Jenny's lap and watching the world go by. I love seeing other cars, trees, houses, buildings, dogs, water, people well everything really, go by so fast. I try to stick my head out the window but Jenny always stops me, although I have no idea why... What does she think will happen? I will admit I've eaten the occasional fly this way, but that was accidental to be sure. Anyhow, I'm in a great mood and I wish you all a smooth ride where the breezes are cool and the sights endlessly fascinating.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson#7 Take a car ride and engage your senses!

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