Thursday, June 25, 2009

Street Food

Jenny and I were out for our usual supper time stroll when as luck would have it I spotted a hidden gem amongst the grass. I turned my body around and played it cool when I heard Jenny yell out a common refrain "Lottie! No street food!" crunching always gives me away. Before I could react Jenny had her fingers in my mouth and pulled out a wet beige coloured blob with an orangey-red coating. Apparently dogs aren't supposed to eat pizza they find on the ground. I don't see why. It tasted perfectly wonderful to me. I don't know why Jenny has to spoil my fun. The strange thing is, once she takes it from me she doesn't even eat it herself...she bags it and puts it in the garbage. Why would she waste the miracle that is "found pizza"? Unbelievable!

But what can I do? She's bigger than me. Maybe I could think of a way to distract her? If I could only keep her attention on something else that might work. Or maybe I could try to chew quieter? Perhaps next time I'll gum my food for awhile, then when it's nice and soggy I could chew it super fast then swallow.

I probably shouldn't complain. Jenny tells me that I should appreciate the hard crunchy food we have at home. She reminds me that it is expensive and that "other dogs would love to eat it." If only I could talk, I'd tell her she should send it to them and leave me my street food.

Why do I like street food so much? Is it the thrill of the hunt? The knowledge that other dogs could have walked right by it and not even noticed? Or do I desire it because it is forbidden?

I really don't know, but if I ever become fluent in human the first thing I'll tell Jenny is "leave my street food alone, I found it and I'm going to eat it!"

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson #9 If you know what you want, go for it quickly and quietly or risk having it taken away.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lottie,

    Whenever I find street food I take it from my children too. It's a parent thing. One day if you have puppies, you'll understand (even if you only take away their street food to eat it yourself. ha!)
