Saturday, July 4, 2009


Since I'm a dog living in a human dominated world I have no choice but to trust people. This can sometimes be scary but what choice do I have? Daddy says that if I develop opposable thumbs I can make my own decisions, but until that day comes I have to listen to him and Jenny and that means trusting them on a daily basis.

This morning after returning from my first walk I felt a vaguely familiar, itchy sort of feeling in my left eyebrow. Jenny must have detected my discomfort because she looked very concerned as she poked at my fur with her fingers. After smearing sticky gooey stuff onto the spot and pulling at me with tweezers she pulled out a tick! Yuck! How gross! She showed it to me for a moment before putting it into a glass jar. Ticks are so sneaky! In those brief moments when Jenny was pulling on my fur I had to trust her. I didn't know what was going on but since I know her and trust her intentions I allowed her to continue.

This evening Jenny announced that she had bought something just for me. I got very excited and my mind raced. What could it be? A bone? A treat? People food? (Well I really didn't believe it was people food but a girl can dream can't she?) It turned out to be a device called a beard trimmer! Now there is a lot about human culture I still need to learn but I do know that I don't have a beard. But it didn't seem to matter. Jenny said that it was time for a haircut and groomed me as she saw fit. While I didn't see the need at first I decided to trust her and allow her to trim away my beautiful red fur. Afterwards she told me that having shorter fur would mean fewer places for ticks to hide and would be cooler on hot days. Aww that Jenny. I knew my trust was not misplaced.

Trusting others can be scary but rewarding.

With love & cuddles,

PS. Lesson#10 Trust your instincts and place your trust in those you love.

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